- Rae/Dazza/Bundy Black: Raechelle controlled the top 5 rankings with her "preferred" partners for nearly a year until her exposure. She loves to play the victim, impersonate others, is a clever manipulator and an all round nutter. Her hubby is Dazza. She was exposed by Lee, Rat and Daffy and then confessed on the forum, "I cheated on multiple occasions... I don't prefer to be honest." She resumed playing soon after Daffy quit the site.
- Abba/Runt: Abba deleted her Runt account in 2004 after her deception was uncovered. She used Runt to win elo from her rivals and then transferred it to her main account. Since then she has used Toby's account to top up her elo when needed. She is unrepentant in her use of MSN with her partners to "discuss" games in progress - sometimes by mistake she messages the wrong player LOL. Rae was one of her several "preferred" partners.
- Tee/AJ: Tee laughably claimed to be trying to "clean up the site" after dominating the #1 gong for four months in 2005 by winning with one account and then transferring the elo to the other. He has been an honest player since then except for his female impersonation LOL.
- Benno/Elias: Benno is a major MSN cheat, mummy's boy and tool. His cheating was exposed when his shamed partner admitted using Toby's account with him and apologized on the forum. Benno just ran away and hid under a rock. He slunk back months later and pretended it never happened LOL. He needs his nappy changed regularly and likes lots of enemas.
- Funky Chicken/Rogue: The original and the best, he rarely plays now.
Lee and I introduced rotating partnerships a few years ago to combat the endemic cheating. This proved to be very effective and popular and since that time the site has seen far less cheating. However, JG500 is still crawling with sad fools like those above who need to bolster their low self-esteem by cheating on their friends. Most long-term members know about them but don't care, preferring instead a quiet day of cards in the sun before they are wheeled inside for their rusks and soup.
Join JG500 by all means to support the site, but be aware...
not sure why you care if you're no longer a member.
You like being anonymous eh? You should buy a second account :)
WD, Daffers. It's interesting to read your 500 tips and learn about the history of the club.
claes/toby here - no need to ask or to stroke. my password is 'ilovetoby' feel free to use, abuse, misuse, confuse, diffuse, effuse or, if ur daffy, refuse.
Thnx, Toby - used & abused ;)
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