Monday, May 26, 2008

Richard and Julianne - kudos for a job well-done

Oftentimes young teenagers forget to tell their Mum and Dad how much they love and appreciate them when they rebel, as all young adolescents do, and criticise the very people who feed and house them. And so it is with a few of us rambunctious cyber-adolescents on JG500.

I want to express my ongoing admiration and appreciation to Richard and Julianne for their hard work and support for the club. I know I express myself critically and directly and tender egos often misinterpret this as personal abuse. Although I play the ball and never the player sometimes the player's head gets very near the ball and, well, heads are the same shape as the ball aren't they? So, I hope my comments about JG500 are seen only as my continued support for the club and my desire to suggest improvements and offer assistance.

See: Forum Moderation Another Victim of Lag

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